
Fill out the form below, then submit payment to hold your place.

Application Fee

$100, non-refundable, non-transferable fee must accompany each application. Each individual child needs an application.  (Note: Current co-op members do not need to pay the $100 fee to add an additional child to the waitlist.)

Little Beginnings has a small infant program and only enrolls six infants annually. Families who are not offered an infant spot usually remain on our waitlist until their children are offered a space for another age group as group sizes increase. 

All families will be contacted annually in late spring/early summer with either an offer of enrollment or an update on your status on the waitlist. You will remain on our waitlist until you are offered a space or you ask to be removed. When contacted, if you are not being made an offer of enrollment but wish to remain on the waitlist, there will be no additional charges. However, if you are made an offer of enrollment and wish to defer, there is an additional $25 charge.


Little Beginnings offers twice monthly Parent Information Sessions. We welcome you to join us on the 2nd Thursday at 9:30am or the last Tuesday at 3:00pm. Tours generally last 60 minutes and we ask that only non-mobile children attend. Please email us at and let us know which session you would like to attend!

Application Form